Monday, March 25, 2019

Book Launch for THatSW Is Tomorrow!

Welcome Everyone!

Tomorrow is the big day. My debut book, The Huntsman and the She-Wolf, launches Tuesday, March 26th!

It's been a very long road to get here, and I almost didn't finish. Had it not been for the support of my wife and friends, I might have quit. But thanks to them and their faith in me, I will be a published author in less than 24 hours.

It feels so good to know that people will get to enjoy the fruit of my imagination soon. I truly hope than anyone who reads it, enjoys it. I know I still get pleasure from re-reading it, myself.

The work isn't finished, though. Expect to start hearing details about the second book in a week or two. I'm already hard at it. I think it will be better than the first book (unless my editor and beta readers see something I don't, LOL!)

Anyway, thanks to all those who have and are supporting me. This is going to be a fun journey for us to take together.



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